Friday, June 6, 2008

Nikki's Thoughts to Ponder...

Here is a scripture that stuck out to me today...I am reading the book by Joyce Meyer called "Eat and Stay Thin" and there was a scripture that popped out to me while I was looking through the book...

2 Peter 2:19 which reads (New Living Translation) "...for you are a slave to whatever controls you."

In my notes that are in my bible it says that If we refuse to follow God, we will follow our own sinful desires and become enslaved to what ever our body wants...

So in refusing to do what God wants us to do...or by refusing to listen and follow God...we are becoming slaves. In the case for me...I am a slave to food. I have let it lead me instead of being led by God...I let my cravings and desires come before God and have let my mind be controlled by those cravings and thoughts. Instead of going to God for help and strength...I have gave myself over to this master...I have became a slave to food.

So as I read this...I find that what I see is that I have to not let the food control me...I have to use it in the proper light and go to God when I have the thoughts all the time over food. Having my mind thinking about food all the time leaves little room left to think and meditate over God and the things I should be thinking about...

So my prayer to God is this...

Dear Lord, my God...I come to you to thank you for this chance to change my life into one that serving you comes first. Please help me learn how to think on you and not on food throughout the day. Please help me put food in the proper place and not in the front of all my thoughts and feelings...Dear Lord help me learn how to live without having to think on food all day long...thinking of my next meal from the time I finish the meal before....instead help me think of you and your goodness and about things that will help me grow strong in my relationship with you God. I love you and I am your me in this fight with my mind. In Jesus Christs name....Amen!


Nikki and Amy said...

What an awesome post, Nikki! Food has definitely been my alter. I'm always worried about not having enough, when I know God has always provided for me. And what He provides is always enough! Just that, enough, not to much. I'm reminded of the people in the wilderness. They were given manna & if they took more than they needed, thinking they'd have it for later, the next morning, it was rotten. I need only enough.

Nikki and Amy said...

Well put Amy!!!