Saturday, June 7, 2008

Nikki's Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord, Almighty God...please be with Amy and I as we work through our day...
Please help us keep strong in the fact of your love and knowing that your Holy Spirit is with us throughout our day helping substain us...
Please help us to come to a better understanding of the amounts of foods we REALLY need, Lord...we have both come to think we need so much more than we really do...please help us see the areas in ourselves that need to change....and please help us...with your Holy Spirit to do just that...change...Lord!
I thank you for bringing me to a support and friend...I thank you for making the light brighter and brighter on the things I need to change about myself...Please continue to make that light bright...Lord! Please show me the way to walk and the things I should do. Please help Amy and be with her today...Help her not to fall into temptation and to stay strong in you Lord!
I praise you and send out praises to your name...Lord God! Thanking you for all that you have given to me and my family...and how you continue to help us and keep us strong in you...Lord!
Please be with both Amy and I's families today...keeping us all safe and healthy! I believe that whatever you ask for in Jesus will get and so I am asking for a Healthy, Strong relationship with you God..both for me and for Amy! Thank you for all that you have given to us and in Jesus Christ name I pray....AMEN!

1 comment:

ohAmanda said...

How cool you guys! I love this idea! I know you 2 can do it!!